Wall of Shame is dedicated to all those musical artists that stand
out. No, not in the sense that they're "amazing" or "must
listen to" artists, it's because they are "uniquely special"
and warrant a special place in my heart. That special place is here, on
the Wall of Shame, where all their years of hard work and dedication
has paid off. Their life long desire to produce cheesy music and downright
crap has made them champions in their field. So, without any further delays,
I give you the the Wall... |
(NOTE: All comments made in
blue below are done so by my friend and are her views on each inductee) |
the longest time they've been the root of suicide amongst radio listeners
around the world...why? Well simply put, their music is WAY overplayed and
have been scientifically proven to cause deafness in the younger generation.
They have carried on the spirit of that all-time favourite,
N.K.O.T.B., plus they've gone the |
extra mile in their uncreative ways by recreating a cheesy rip-off of Star
Wars with their "Larger Than Life" video. What's the deal with that? Not
to mention the plastic outfits worn at a past MTV VMA show...(It's
a wonder I'm still talking to you) Here
are others that have fallen into that wannabe N.K.O.T.B. phenomenon (excluding
the Kids themselves) that earns them their rightful place on the Wall Of
Shame |
band consists of 4 guys that saw dollar signs and decided to cash in on
the boy band craze...guess all they care about is how much can they rake
in before their 2 minutes of fame wears off. (Aww..)
Not to worry guys, we'll always remember you (yeah right) years later like
we do with Milli Vanilli. |
original cheese band that caters to the preteen generation. They faded away
long before most of you ever heard of them. They were a group of 5 guys,
each one had a scary high-pitched voice, making you wonder if they ever
got teased in school, like I don't know the answer to that one. If you want
to know what they sound like, just listen to a BSB song.
(Hey!) Long live
the Kids... |
band that thinks they can sing but aren't as popular as the others...they'll
keep trying for another album then hopefully they'll fade away. But their
spirit will live on, courtesy of The Wall Of Shame. |
sure feels like I'm repeating myself with these bands...if you play all
the songs of 'N Sync, BSB, 5ive and NKOTB, you'll be hard pressed to distinguish
between any of them
(I beg to differ)...
Saturation of this market seems like it's their main goal. Could they just
hop on a boat, head out in the middle of a lake...'N Sync? Any of them? |
old lady needs to retire...sure she came back with an album that made the
charts, but really, who would even admit to buying this thing? It's like
saying you own a Tina Turner CD...one quick way to have a CD go downhill
is to overplay it. That's what happened to this one and now I switch the
station at the mere |
of her name with a song upcoming. Please, do us all a favour and just disappear.
could say something horrible but it would be just too mean spirited and
cause people to want to keep away from me, so I won't...but if you're curious,
just use your imagination and relate it to her late ex-husband.
(Now that was harsh!) |
this guy reminds me of someone I personally know...if I met him in person,
I would call him Al Rhino, just by that resemblance. His "rapping" is typical
Vanilla Ice, but with an edge...meaning this guys swears and Ice didn't.
Find me a person that liked "My Name Is..." and I'll personally |
them. This is a perfect example for people to say white guys can't rap.
And to think Christina Aguilera called him cute...makes me want to rub him
out! (Jealous?)
After he ripped her in his "The
Real Slim Shady" song, I'm sure she'd like to kick him where we'd all
like her kicking him, so he can't produce anymore kids that walk like him,
talk like him, just don't give a f*** like him. |
first song (Rockafeller Skank) was a decent one, but the follow up to it
just made me want to puke. Who's idea was it to choose this thing as a release,
let alone the second one to a successful one? The song was bad enough, but
that video, geez...it's something that makes me wish TV was never invented!
Then on top of that, having that video win awards for who knows what, made
me very ill inside. All I want to know is, who did he pay off and how much
did it cost him? |
Lord, and here I thought we left those NKOTB back in the 80's, then along
comes one of them thinking we still care...well guess what, he found out
that we still DON'T care! Why oh why did radio stations and music stations
think we wanted to hear this guy and try to expose him to us yet again?
At least he had only one release from his new album so we didn't have to
subject ourselves to more headaches.
(That album was a gift to me, I swear) |
won't they just go away?. We don't need another bunch of preteen
is the band that brought us "Summer Girls"...a song that includes mentioning
how Chinese food makes
pretending to sing when all along, they were just squealing. I guess the
reason they disappeared, for a while, is they hit puberty and realized their
squealy voices turned into the thing we all knew all along...it's crap!
Please don't make another album, two is enough. The worst part of this sad
case of a band is that my girlfriend likes songs by them...ugh! |
sick...any song that mentions food is a dead give away that the band couldn't
think of any meaningful lyrics, unless it's used in a cute way. Just how
much better would Celine Dion's "That's The Way It Is" sound if she mentioned
how she gets diarrhea from eating clams? Way ta go LFO! (Ewww)
he was singing his World Cup song...next he was Living La Vida Loca...now
he wants to shake his Bon Bon...I didn't mind his first song when it first
came out, but then we kept on living his vida loca too many |
and he quickly slipped into the "gotta shut it off before ear starts to
bleed" category. The only video I didn't mind was the one for "She's All
I Ever Had", mainly because of that attractive woman in there...yeah, you
know what I mean!
(Grrr) But please,
can you go shake your bon bon someplace else, like somewhere far away where
we can't see it? |
else is there to say about a guy who has a midget/kid (I can't really tell)
rapping with him? Cheese or what? His songs suck
(they do), pictures
of him wearing only a hat aren't the kinds of things anyone wants to see...I
think we can call him the Dee Snider of the 90's/00's. Oh, and can he not
use anymore Metallica riffs in his songs ever again? That just ruins a perfectly
good piece of music. |
don't want no pigeons....hey boys, we don't want you! How bad is it that
your only claim to fame is an alternate lyric song to someone else's? Sure
it works for Weird Al, but when you're trying to be serious, it just doesn't
work. Will they stick around for a follow up song? Highly unlikely, so please,
stop playing that song! |
he is, Mr. Mambo himself...well, what can we say about a guy that pencils
in his mustache? If I hear that Mambo #5 song one more time in my life,
I think I'll just switch over to listening to BSB...oh wait, that's the
worse kind of torture I can think of! How |
we just tell Mr. Bega that he had his turn in the spotlight and now it's
time to fade away like the rest of them. No matter how many other songs
he comes out with (if he's got any others left in him), he'll always be
unrequested because of his first song being overplayed. |
of you have never heard of this group, well lucky you! Not only are they
trying to catch on as something of an All Saints, Spice Girls, B*Witched
type group, they also try to pull the wool over our eyes by disguising the
fact they can't sing with a video that tries to show off how "sexy" they
are. |
guess what girls, looks don't get you anywhere
(unless you're Brit..nevermind)...your
first song "Butterflies" shows strongly just how much talent you lack. Good
effort for trying to make it, bad judgment in thinking you could actually
sing. But hey, at least you're good enough (or bad, whichever way you look
at it) to make it into the Wall of Shame. |
band was once one that looked promising. Even I thought they were ok, but
long gone are the days of "Creep", which is too bad. Now all we have are
3 females that are fighting amongst themselves, songs that aren't that good
which happen to be way overplayed (i.e. Unpretty), and the idea of them
being |
think you need a new manager, new lyricist and new attitude, or just call
it quits now and we won't have to worry about any of that stuff! All I have
to say right now is, welcome to the Wall. |
we reach the Fresh Prince...I have no idea why the general public has fallen
in love with this guy. He was an obnoxious guy on his Fresh Prince of Bel
Air show, his music totally sucked, his attitude was of the "I'm a big
love me" type and he seems to try too hard to be funny when he just plain
isn't. Let's face it, the guy just can't flat out act. He comes off too
fake and when he's trying to be serious, he seems so laughable (and not
because he's funny). When it comes to his music, nothing of his offers a
hint of curiosity. I think Will should stick to one of either acting or
singing, that way he can say he only sucks at one thing!
(I like Will) |
version of Hanson, though a little older, but not any better. They've got
the teenybopper girls all screaming and pulling their hair out...all I have
to ask is, why? They don't have a unique style to make them stand out and
look weird. Just think, one of them is Bob Moffat...how "cute"
does that sound? Enough said...welcome to the wall kids. |
just want to let it be known that he listens to the Boys and he likes it